I am Tra’Naija ( truh-nae-juh) or Nae for short. I practice Kemet & I am a hoodoo practitioner along with being an intuitive reader . I had my epiphany in the beginning of 2018, but was connected before this lifetime- always have been. Spirituality brings comfort to the mind ,body, and soul. Being able to call upon the ancestors and divine in need is what soothed me when nothing in the physical life felt safe to me.

I’ve been studying astrology since 11, i’ve always been a curious mind: Aspects, degrees, asteroids, and planetary systems always interested me. Astrology is way more than what society deems it to be in my opinion, I love my open minded people. Knowing what makes you YOU is so important. My favorite quote: “ Astrology is the study of man’s response to planetary stimulation…But the natal chart can be rightly interpreted only by men of intuitive wisdom: these are few.”

I connect the most with hoodoo & kemet since it is in my bloodline. I originate from a bloodline of masons + green/bruja witches. Connecting with my ancestral background was important to me, as I am the first in my generation to continue on the cycle of connecting with the divine. I embody multiple abilities, and the gift is something that is shown everywhere I go. I’m in love with the idea of continuous evolution, life is beautiful to me- and I hope I can make the world see that.

Breaking out the matrix is the best thing I’ve done. I’m constantly evolving into a better version of myself everyday, i’m a life-long student in the spirit world. One soul is never not learning, we are all students. Wisdom is beyond academic success, but within the lessons we endure. I’ve endured the most pain a soul could possible deal with; but this is the reason i have this longing urge for spreading my testimonials, spreading my teachings, spreading love in dark places, that is ME. I embody healing energy, and i am learning to evoke this into the physical.


3D Star Sticker by Amenity Ave